
What We Do

Our service starts by listening to our clients and addressing their needs through our Client Service Excellence.

Legal Services
Dispute Resolution (Arbitration, Mediation)

Dispute Resolution (Arbitration, Mediation)

We provide advice on compiling and structuring corporate governance reports.

We provide advice on compiling and structuring corporate governance reports. Middle Eastern family businesses are increasingly recognizing that effective corporate governance is vital for attracting external investment, preserving organizational agility, and institutionalizing the values on which the business is founded. With only 30% of family businesses surviving beyond the third generation, it is also a crucial factor in ensuring sustainability. MEIoD uses the industry-standard IFC Corporate Governance Methodology to conduct a comprehensive assessment covering the structure and function of the board; management control functions and frameworks; disclosure and transparency; shareholder participation and practices and family governance structures.

Legal advice, legal representation and pleading

Legal advice, legal representation and pleading

We provide advice on compiling and structuring corporate governance reports.

We provide advice on compiling and structuring corporate governance reports. Middle Eastern family businesses are increasingly recognizing that effective corporate governance is vital for attracting external investment, preserving organizational agility, and institutionalizing the values on which the business is founded. With only 30% of family businesses surviving beyond the third generation, it is also a crucial factor in ensuring sustainability. MEIoD uses the industry-standard IFC Corporate Governance Methodology to conduct a comprehensive assessment covering the structure and function of the board; management control functions and frameworks; disclosure and transparency; shareholder participation and practices and family governance structures.

Government bodies

Government bodies

Government bodies’ services like

-- Judicial representation before various courts -- Development of specialized legal studies – Drafting and reviewing law bills – Establishment and governance of government agencies

Legal services for endowments, NGOs and public benefit associations

Legal services for endowments, NGOs and public benefit associations

We review corporate governance structures to assist investors in evaluating and monitoring organizations.

Effective corporate governance is a key indicator for investors, and regular reviews are needed to ensure that those underlying structures are operating effectively and are fit for purpose, both pre-investment to inform onboarding, and during the investment lifespan to monitor performance and improvement. MEIoD uses the industry-standard IFC Corporate Governance Methodology to conduct a comprehensive assessment, whereby we collect background information about the governance structure of a company, review data and documentation, conduct site visits, and individual meetings, and if there are shortcomings, develop an improvement plan framework.

Intellectual property and patenting services

Intellectual property and patenting services

We provide advice on compiling and structuring corporate governance reports.

Accurate corporate governance reporting is vital in demonstrating the effectiveness of the governance infrastructure of a company to investors. Reports should give a transparent and holistic view of governance policies and structures. We assist investors by helping the companies they invest in to compile and structure their corporate governance reports, either for individual companies, or whole portfolios. This goes beyond what is merely “required” to deliver an extensive and informative review of board activity, in line with global best practice and focused on the information needs of investors.

Preparation and drafting of contracts

Preparation and drafting of contracts

We work with investors to recruit certified directors with relevant experience.

For investors looking to strengthen the board in a target or current investment company, or for investors that have board seats, MEIoD can assist in recruiting the most suitable directors for each position. We nominate directors who have the necessary background or specific skillsets to enhance and improve the corporate governance function of the business, board performance, and oversight. For organizations without a defined board profile, we can assist in creating one, and in benchmarking the board’s makeup, experience, and practices against competitors or industry leaders to identify any skill gaps.

Commercial representation

Commercial representation

We review corporate governance structures and advise on how to strengthen them.

We provide advice on compiling and structuring corporate governance reports. Middle Eastern family businesses are increasingly recognizing that effective corporate governance is vital for attracting external investment, preserving organizational agility, and institutionalizing the values on which the business is founded. With only 30% of family businesses surviving beyond the third generation, it is also a crucial factor in ensuring sustainability. MEIoD uses the industry-standard IFC Corporate Governance Methodology to conduct a comprehensive assessment covering the structure and function of the board; management control functions and frameworks; disclosure and transparency; shareholder participation and practices and family governance structures.

Legal services for foreign investment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Legal services for foreign investment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

We work with investors to recruit certified directors with relevant experience.

We provide advice on compiling and structuring corporate governance reports. Middle Eastern family businesses are increasingly recognizing that effective corporate governance is vital for attracting external investment, preserving organizational agility, and institutionalizing the values on which the business is founded. With only 30% of family businesses surviving beyond the third generation, it is also a crucial factor in ensuring sustainability. MEIoD uses the industry-standard IFC Corporate Governance Methodology to conduct a comprehensive assessment covering the structure and function of the board; management control functions and frameworks; disclosure and transparency; shareholder participation and practices and family governance structures.

What We Do

Our special services starts by listening to our clients and addressing their needs through our Client Service Excellence.

Special Legal Services
Urban development and real estate companies

Urban development and real estate companies

We review corporate governance structures and advise on how to strengthen them.

We provide advice on compiling and structuring corporate governance reports. Middle Eastern family businesses are increasingly recognizing that effective corporate governance is vital for attracting external investment, preserving organizational agility, and institutionalizing the values on which the business is founded. With only 30% of family businesses surviving beyond the third generation, it is also a crucial factor in ensuring sustainability. MEIoD uses the industry-standard IFC Corporate Governance Methodology to conduct a comprehensive assessment covering the structure and function of the board; management control functions and frameworks; disclosure and transparency; shareholder participation and practices and family governance structures.

Energy and electric power sector

Energy and electric power sector

We work with investors to recruit certified directors with relevant experience.

We provide advice on compiling and structuring corporate governance reports. Middle Eastern family businesses are increasingly recognizing that effective corporate governance is vital for attracting external investment, preserving organizational agility, and institutionalizing the values on which the business is founded. With only 30% of family businesses surviving beyond the third generation, it is also a crucial factor in ensuring sustainability. MEIoD uses the industry-standard IFC Corporate Governance Methodology to conduct a comprehensive assessment covering the structure and function of the board; management control functions and frameworks; disclosure and transparency; shareholder participation and practices and family governance structures.

Business houses and family entities

Business houses and family entities

We provide advice on compiling and structuring corporate governance reports.

We provide advice on compiling and structuring corporate governance reports. Middle Eastern family businesses are increasingly recognizing that effective corporate governance is vital for attracting external investment, preserving organizational agility, and institutionalizing the values on which the business is founded. With only 30% of family businesses surviving beyond the third generation, it is also a crucial factor in ensuring sustainability. MEIoD uses the industry-standard IFC Corporate Governance Methodology to conduct a comprehensive assessment covering the structure and function of the board; management control functions and frameworks; disclosure and transparency; shareholder participation and practices and family governance structures.

Family lawyer

Family lawyer

We provide advice on compiling and structuring corporate governance reports.

We provide advice on compiling and structuring corporate governance reports. Middle Eastern family businesses are increasingly recognizing that effective corporate governance is vital for attracting external investment, preserving organizational agility, and institutionalizing the values on which the business is founded. With only 30% of family businesses surviving beyond the third generation, it is also a crucial factor in ensuring sustainability. MEIoD uses the industry-standard IFC Corporate Governance Methodology to conduct a comprehensive assessment covering the structure and function of the board; management control functions and frameworks; disclosure and transparency; shareholder participation and practices and family governance structures.

Enterprise sector

Enterprise sector

Velit voluptate ab isss

Nam voluptas liberosss

Banking and financial activities sector

Banking and financial activities sector

We review corporate governance structures to assist investors in evaluating and monitoring organizations.

Effective corporate governance is a key indicator for investors, and regular reviews are needed to ensure that those underlying structures are operating effectively and are fit for purpose, both pre-investment to inform onboarding, and during the investment lifespan to monitor performance and improvement. MEIoD uses the industry-standard IFC Corporate Governance Methodology to conduct a comprehensive assessment, whereby we collect background information about the governance structure of a company, review data and documentation, conduct site visits, and individual meetings, and if there are shortcomings, develop an improvement plan framework.

Legal services for e-commerce and international trade

Legal services for e-commerce and international trade

We provide advice on compiling and structuring corporate governance reports.

Accurate corporate governance reporting is vital in demonstrating the effectiveness of the governance infrastructure of a company to investors. Reports should give a transparent and holistic view of governance policies and structures. We assist investors by helping the companies they invest in to compile and structure their corporate governance reports, either for individual companies, or whole portfolios. This goes beyond what is merely “required” to deliver an extensive and informative review of board activity, in line with global best practice and focused on the information needs of investors.

Legal services for medical cases and health investment

Legal services for medical cases and health investment

We work with investors to recruit certified directors with relevant experience.

For investors looking to strengthen the board in a target or current investment company, or for investors that have board seats, MEIoD can assist in recruiting the most suitable directors for each position. We nominate directors who have the necessary background or specific skillsets to enhance and improve the corporate governance function of the business, board performance, and oversight. For organizations without a defined board profile, we can assist in creating one, and in benchmarking the board’s makeup, experience, and practices against competitors or industry leaders to identify any skill gaps.

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